Cal Ripken Assessments

Assessment is used to rate players so that each level and each team has parity of talent. Players 8 -12 are requested to attend assessments. If you are unable to make the assessment date, please contact the Cal Ripken VP, Amber Jaramillo at

What happens at assessments?

Players will be assessed in various baseball skills: batting, fielding - both fly and ground balls, throwing and running. Evaluators will rate each player; scores will then be combined to reach an average score. Those scores will then be used for the team draft, which will be held the day after assessments. Players and parents will be contacted the week after assessments on their team assignment.


Please check the calendar for date and time.

Players under 8

We have recently made some changes to our By-Laws that will allow underaged players to participate in assessments and possible play in the minors league for Cal Ripken. These players will have a marker placed on them at assessments. This will alert our assessment staff that this particular player is participating in a skill test.

If the player performs well enough to alleviate ANY safety concerns and the assessment staff feel confident they will be able to participate fully and possess the needed maturity to be part of a team, then they will be allowed to enter the draft for team selection.

If there is ANY concern about maturity, skills, or safety the player will not be allowed to participate. They will be asked to wait an additional season and come to the following year's assessment.

We need to know that parents and players fully understand that coming to assessments is not a guarantee they will be allowed to participate. Assessment staff, along with the VP of Cal Ripken, will make the decisions on a case to case basis. We ask for families to be gracious with the outcome and respectful of the decisions made.

If this is something your family is willing to accept, we encourage you to sign up your child. Please be sure your child has the marker on at assessments so an official decision can be made. If the decision is made that your athlete cannot continue, then a full refund will be issued.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out directly to the Cal Ripken VP, Amber Jaramillo at