Sponsorship Opportunities

  • $200 Savings

  • Team, Sweatshirt, and Banner Sponsor

  • Business name across back of all player’s and coach’s jerseys on a team

  • Business name listed on an entire League’s Sweatshirts (Cal Ripken minors, Cal Ripken majors, or Babe Ruth)

  • Business supplied banner hung at either Bear Field or Moscow’s City Play Fields

  • $100 Savings

  • Team and Banner Sponsor

  • Business name across back of all player’s and coach’s jerseys on a team (Cal Ripken minors, Cal Ripken majors, or Babe Ruth)

  • Business supplied banner hung at either Bear Field or Moscow’s City Play Fields

  • Banner Sponsor

  • Business supplied banner hung at either Bear Field or Moscow’s City Play Fields

  • Team Sponsor

  • Business name across back of all player’s and coach’s jerseys on a team(Cal Ripken minors, Cal Ripken majors, or Babe Ruth)

  • Sweatshirt Sponsor

  • Business name listed on an entire League’s Sweatshirts (Cal Ripken minors, Cal Ripken majors, or Babe Ruth)

The Moscow Baseball Association (MBA) is a not-for-profit organization that gives area youth the opportunity to learn, play, and LOVE the sport of baseball. We know that as children progress through our program, they not only learn about baseball but also gain true self-confidence. It is the goal of our Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth programs to develop this love of baseball early and give our area youth the tools to succeed as a player and as a teammate, build confidence, and be the crucial foundation of the Moscow Baseball program.

We cannot do it alone as a fully volunteer-driven not-for-profit organization, however. Your support is critical for stability and growth! To that end the Latah County Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth programs would like to offer local businesses the opportunity to sponsor local family-friendly kids baseball at multiple levels.

Your support helps us keep the cost down for the families in our community by helping to pay for uniforms, equipment, insurance, umpires, facility use, and financially sponsoring kids who would not be able to afford to play otherwise.

We greatly appreciate your consideration of supporting local Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth baseball. With your help we will continue to improve our program, and we will continue to give area youth an opportunity that may not otherwise be made available to them. Sponsorships in community organizations such as ours demonstrate your support and dedication to our community.

Sponsorship is easy! Simply fill out the below team sponsorship form and either send it in with your payment, or request to be invoiced.

For any questions or direct requests to sign up, please feel free to contact the Moscow Baseball Association at MBA83843@gmail.com.