About Cal Ripken Baseball

Keeping baseball fun – especially in the early stages of youth baseball – is a primary concern of Babe Ruth League’s Cal Ripken Division.


The purpose of the Cal Ripken division of Moscow Baseball is to provide youth baseball to boys and girls between the ages of 8 to 12.


Latah County Cal Ripken youth baseball is focused on:

  • using competitive baseball rules,

  • teaching skills,

  • mental and physical development,

  • a respect for the rules of the game,

  • and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play.

In all aspects, Latah County Cal Ripken youth baseball is committed to providing our participants the very best education and sport experience possible. It is our fundamental belief that every child with a desire to play baseball be afforded that opportunity.

Our goals are to build a youth baseball league on the Idaho Palouse that is fun for the kids and parents, provides a positive atmosphere, and develops the players with fundamentals of the game. Latah County Cal Ripken youth baseball is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes.

Youth baseball players gathering at pitching mound


  • Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.

  • Develop a strong urge for sportsman’s-like conduct.

  • Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.

  • Develop control over emotions and speech.

  • Develop spirit of cooperation and team play.

  • Develop into real, true CITIZENS.

Our Latah County Cal Ripken Youth Baseball League is comprised of the following:

Minor Division

For ballplayers ages 8-10. Players build and refine their fundamental skills while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. Games consist of 6 innings and there are rules set for maximum number of innings/pitches a pitcher may pitch per game and per week. Participants may try out for the All Stars teams and experience post-season tournament competition.


Major Division

For ballplayers ages 11-12. Cal Ripken Baseball is played under the Official Baseball Rules but implements some special rules necessary for the development and welfare of this young age group. Games consist of 6 innings and there are rules that set the maximum number of innings a pitcher may pitch in a calendar week. The Major/70 division features a 50’ pitching distance and 70’ base paths. Participants may try out for the All Stars teams and experience post-season tournament competition.


Any questions relating to Cal Ripken Baseball in Latah County should be directed towards:

Amber Jaramillo, Cal Ripken Vice President
